Company: Despite the salary increase, the majority of doctors in Budapest did not sign their new contract.

[ad_1] Company: Despite the salary increase, most of the doctors in Budapest did not sign their new contract. Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”812cf45a-5143-4981-8e4a-b5569bea30da”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A bukósisakban vezethető roadster kevesebb mint 3 másodperc alatt katapultál álló helyzetből 100-as tempóra. …

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World: Aliyev: Azerbaijan has no plans to attack Armenia

[ad_1] World: Aliyev: Azerbaijan has no plans to attack Armenia Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f8845984-88b7-4b9b-8062-ebd99df34966″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”A tudósok szerint aránylag kis változtatásoknak köszönhetően is hamar, sokat erősödhet a városi gyerekek immunendszere. “,”shortLead”:”A tudósok szerint aránylag kis változtatásoknak köszönhetően …

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Oral karate continued with Ronaldo and the sports minister

[ad_1] As previously reported, Italian Sports Minister Vincenzo Spadafora said that Portuguese Juventus classic Cristiano Ronaldo violated epidemiological rules by traveling back from Lisbon to his home in Turin despite his coronavirus infection. The player and the politician then began a public conversation with each other. According to the Italian …

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He won by two goals in Fradi Kisvárda, Barcelona can come!

[ad_1] Defending champion Ferencváros won 2-0 at Kisvárda’s home in the opening match of the seventh round of NB I football, and next week the Greens will face Barcelona on Tuesday. Ferencváros won in a great battle (Photo: Károly Árvai) Ad NB IROUND 7Kisvárda Master Good – Ferencvárosi TC 0–2 …

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