At home: nearly 1,800 new infections found and 24 coronavirus patients died

[ad_1] At home: almost 1,800 new infections found, 24 patients with coronavirus died Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7ee5fddf-62a6-4e72-acc7-20290163b48f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Kína rendet vág az egzotikus húsok piacán.”,”shortLead”:”Kína rendet vág az egzotikus húsok piacán.”,”id”:”20201016_A_sundisznosultet_is_kicsinalja_a_koronavirus”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”35725590-e48b-4cf3-95a0-02f28d6055be”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/zhvg/20201016_A_sundisznosultet_is_kicsinalja_a_koronavirus”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 16. 11:37″,”title”:”A sünsültet is kicsinálja …

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Doctors say doctors are rebelling against the new law

[ad_1] 60 percent of doctors may be affected by the need for a second work permit, Rita Lénárd, vice president of the Hungarian Medical Chamber (MOK), told Népszava. However, this is only the second item on the list that doctors find unacceptable due to a law passed in conjunction with …

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Viktor Orbán’s words can cause chaos

[ad_1] Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recommends that Hungarians do not go skiing abroad this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. This can cause uncontrollable congestion on Hungarian ski slopes, the founding editor-in-chief of Síelő told InfoRádió. On Síelő, everyone was “shocked” by the Prime Minister’s words that no one should …

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Viktor Orbán’s words can cause chaos

[ad_1] Prime Minister Viktor Orbán recommends that Hungarians do not go skiing abroad this year due to the coronavirus epidemic. This can cause uncontrollable congestion on Hungarian ski slopes, the founding editor-in-chief of Síelő told InfoRádió. On Síelő, everyone was “shocked” by the Prime Minister’s words that no one should …

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