“Let the gays go to Sweden instead”

[ad_1] Kersti Kaljulaid according to the Estonian president for his homophobic comments Mart helme Minister of the Interior (in our featured photo) not suitable for driving. the MTI Helme, founder and vice chairman of the far-right Estonian Conservative People’s Party, German wave in an interview with a German station, he …

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New Zealand Prime Minister won the election without a hitch

[ad_1] What you need to know every morning. With nearly 50 percent of the vote, Jacinda Ardern has remained New Zealand’s prime minister, allowing her for the first time since 1996 to form a government without a Labor coalition partner. Ardern, whose campaign was primarily focused on successfully tackling the …

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The rookie defeated defending champion Real Madrid

[ad_1] Real Madrid has been eliminated 1-0 against Cádiz at home on Saturday night in the 6th round of the Spanish Soccer Championship. Zinédine Zidane’s team did not play well in the first championship after the national team broke. This trend has not changed this time either. In the first …

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Cult: Actors continue to protest in front of Palkovics office on Monday

[ad_1] Cult: Actors continue to protest in front of Palkovics office Monday | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”e36e9a8a-d73a-412e-960c-60bf11777c42″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Kersti Kaljulaid észt elnök szerint homofób megjegyzései miatt Mart Helme belügyminiszter nem alkalmas a kormányzásra.rn”,”shortLead”:”Kersti Kaljulaid észt elnök szerint …

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