Nearly half a million new infections were found in one day

[ad_1] There are already 40,344,310 people in the world infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,117,539 deaths and 27,627,761 survivors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Central European time, Tuesday morning. A day earlier, 39,898,689 infected people were registered, which means that 445,000 new infections were registered in the last …

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At home: Skeptical Covid doctor fired from Gyöngyös hospital

[ad_1] At home: Skeptical Covid doctor fired from Gyöngyös hospital | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f03a02dd-e919-40a0-bcb1-42da781e1170″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A pénzügyminiszter helyett Gór Csaba ügyvédet indíthatja a Fidesz Óbudán.”,”shortLead”:”A pénzügyminiszter helyett Gór Csaba ügyvédet indíthatja a Fidesz Óbudán.”,”id”:”20201018_Varga_Mihaly_megerositette_az_ATVnek_nem_indul_egyeniben_a_2022es_valasztason”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7d8dc781-b1a6-4e38-9753-a1920e73d3ed”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201018_Varga_Mihaly_megerositette_az_ATVnek_nem_indul_egyeniben_a_2022es_valasztason”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 18. …

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A virus-skeptical doctor at Gyöngyös Hospital was fired

[ad_1] Alfréd Pócs is the regional president of the Medical Chamber, from whom the organization has already distanced itself. Bugát de Gyöngyös was discharged from Hospital Pál Dr. Alfred Pócs, the president of the Heves County Medical Chamber, from whom the Hungarian Medical Chamber parted ways in September due to …

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