At home: She was an intern for two years, now the daughter of a KDNP representative in Geneva

[ad_1] At home: she was an intern for two years, now she is the daughter of a KDNP representative in Geneva Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f1da6a82-67f9-4ab4-9d64-281e1f506379″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”sport”,”description”:”A Racing Point istálló versenyzője helyett Nico Hülkenberg állt rajthoz a …

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World: There are already more than a million registered infections in Spain

[ad_1] World: There are already more than a million registered infections in Spain Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”97a08337-e5c3-4e97-8e89-bc7e9eb43687″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Két exobolygót fedeztek fel svájci csillagászok a Mexikóban lévő SAINT-EX obszervatórium segítségével.”,”shortLead”:”Két exobolygót fedeztek fel svájci csillagászok a Mexikóban …

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There are already pedophile charges against Joe Biden’s son, the Democratic presidential candidate may also be guilty

[ad_1] Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has already consulted with the Delaware State Police about the scandal of the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, as “shocking substances” have been found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. According to Giuliani, this scandal goes beyond foreign influences and possible bribes. The attorney …

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At home: Csaba Czeglédy’s lawyer’s license has been suspended

[ad_1] At home: suspension of Csaba Czeglédy’s lawyer’s license Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2f4c70fe-8cef-4633-86eb-a4d394d154a4″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A brit kormány döntött így. A városvezetés tajtékzik, mert ez a beleegyezésük nélkül történt.”,”shortLead”:”A brit kormány döntött így. A városvezetés tajtékzik, mert ez …

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Whoops! TheVR’s Twitch channel banned

[ad_1] In the early afternoon, you can still watch Amnesia: Rebirth on the broadcast of TheVR, Hungary’s largest video game and technology channel, TheVR, but now the channel has become inaccessible. Blame it not on their devices, the guys confirmed the bad news on Twitter: They banned them from the …

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