Gaspar Evelin does not want a child

[ad_1] Spoke harsh words Gaspar evelin a Tv life-north. A Break The issue of motherhood will also be discussed on Thursday’s program titled “Childbirth.” Gáspár Evelin said he didn’t want to have a child and went to bed to live his life alone. “For example, do you feel like you …

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Bayern Munich and Atalanta also cut four in the BL

[ad_1] Bayern Munich made it 4-0 in the first group stage of the Champions League with a performance worthy of a defending champion. In the first minutes, the Spaniards went ahead boldly and it seemed that Diego Simeone’s team could have surprised their rival, but the scenario that seemed plausible …

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Bayern Munich crushed Atletico Madrid, Liverpool beat Ajax

[ad_1] Defending champion Bayern Munich defeated Atlético de Madrid 4-0 at home in the first round of the Champions League group stage. On the other hand, Diego Simeone was a disappointment because of his poor performance. Liverpool, the 2019 BL winners, beat Ajax 1-0 in a not very rugged match. …

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he is the boss of the left

[ad_1] Once again, Ferenc Gyurcsány showed the mayor that he was the only leader of the left. Now the Gyurcsány party, the DK XVIII. Through his district mayor he attacked Gergely Karácsony for the bike lanes. It is opposed to the XVIII. The vast majority of the district’s residents have …

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Austro-Hungarian heroic dead found in Italy

[ad_1] The remains of an Austro-Hungarian soldier who served in World War I were found in the province of Trento, Italy, near Monte Civerone. Based on one of the buttons on his uniform, the soldier was identified as one of the so-called emperor hunters of the Austro-Hungarian army. The imperial …

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Car: Police raid: 88 cars were trapped in a bus lane

[ad_1] Car: Police raid: 88 cars were trapped in a bus lane Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1423be8f-aa17-4cbb-8f26-7aaccb290110″,”c_author”:”Németh András”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Európa-szerte szigorodnak a koronavírus-járvány második rohama miatt bevezetett korlátozások, ám az első, tavaszi hullámmal ellentétben most valamennyi országban ügyelnek arra, hogy …

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Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like

[ad_1] Technology: Scientists have been told what a child’s agenda should look like Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4f2d33d8-2451-40df-ae46-5ececd05791c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”Az emberekre támadó cápafajok nagyon érzékenyek a víz hőmérsékletváltozására és a halakat követve olyan partokhoz is közel úsznak, ahol …

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