Toroczkaiék says it’s never too late to burn books again

[ad_1] About 170 people gathered during the Corvin in the commemoration of Our Country in ’56 on Thursday afternoon, writes Several people gave speeches at the event and Dora Dúró The creation of books was also discussed. Thin CsongorAccording to the president of the Youth of Our Country, this …

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Tech: TheVR Has Its Twitch Channel Banned Due To Apple Returning

[ad_1] Tech: TheVR recovers Apple’s blocked Twitch channel | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7d5bd389-1b46-4a5c-a9ef-4f94f2dfbd26″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Egy tizenéves gyerek meghalt, egy másikat életveszélyes sérülésekkel szállítottak kórházba Gyöngyösfaluból.”,”shortLead”:”Egy tizenéves gyerek meghalt, egy másikat életveszélyes sérülésekkel szállítottak kórházba Gyöngyösfaluból.”,”id”:”20201022_Meghalt_15_eves_vasi_kalandpark”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b3a85622-9843-4591-98e5-3d5396eb723d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201022_Meghalt_15_eves_vasi_kalandpark”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 22. …

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Zhvg: Mosquitoes have also appeared in Antarctica

[ad_1] Zhvg: Mosquitoes have also appeared in Antarctica Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”5bf6a491-5fb5-4619-baec-07c52815db80″,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Csizmadia László többször szervezett az Orbán-kormány melletti békemenetet a CÖF révén.”,”shortLead”:”Csizmadia László többször szervezett az Orbán-kormány melletti békemenetet a CÖF révén.”,”id”:”20201023_gulyas_gergely_lovagkereszt_bekemenet_csizmadia_laszlo”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”72cb349a-c4aa-424c-b06e-d6e6441691d6″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201023_gulyas_gergely_lovagkereszt_bekemenet_csizmadia_laszlo”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. …

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Worship: More than 10,000 people stood alongside acting students at the celebration.

[ad_1] Worship: More than ten thousand people supported the students at the festival. Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”bdbe7140-5639-4ede-997a-66bbd963bc9d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Vállfáról lecsúszó ruha, reszelőről szétszóródó sajt: mindennapi kellemetlenségeinkből indult ki Miklósi Ádám, aki az IKEA egyes termékeire könnyen ráilleszthető …

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More masses have caught up with the epidemic

[ad_1] In Spain, the number of infected people has exceeded psychological limits and more restrictions are being decided in several European countries. In Italy Healthcare is urging a spring-like national shutdown after the daily number of cases exceeded 19,000 on Friday and a nightly curfew has already been imposed in …

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TheVR recovered his Twitch channel

[ad_1] Everyone was shocked when it emerged Wednesday night that TheVR’s Twitch channel, which numbered more than 400,000 people, had been suspended. The fate of three channels that collected copyright notices due to the Apple conference broadcast was completely uncertain, as Twitch had tightened up on copyright claims a couple …

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