At home: “I also marched in 56, I marched in 89, now I’m marching for my grandchildren” – video of the SZFE demonstration on Friday

[ad_1] At home: “I also marched in 56, I marched in 89, now I’m marching for my grandchildren” – video about the SZFE demonstration on Friday | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a0a38389-ea9b-48eb-ac73-5423aa749709″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Meghaladta a tavaszi értékeket Olaszországban …

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Real estate: Fundamenta survived, the poor were spoiled – this happened two years after plowing the home savings

[ad_1] Real Estate: Fundamenta survived, the poor were bad: this happened two years after plowing the home savings | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6f1b8825-5a41-413b-be47-e5b098e56970″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag.zhvg”,”description”:”91 fa mozdul meg a Városligetben négy éven belül, a szerződés alapján ötödük …

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The driver was drunk, killing a couple

[ad_1] A car crashed with two engines on Friday morning near Dusnok, the motorcyclists were killed in the accident. Police have now detained the driver of the car that caused the accident, writes The car was driving on the main road No. 51 from Dusnok in the direction of …

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This may be the last reset of the clock

[ad_1] The EU will abolish summer and winter time next spring, Member States will be able to decide which one to choose; We do not yet know the intentions of our country, but if we stay in winter, we will now turn the clock on Sunday for the last time. …

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