The coronavirus is spreading in Austria

[ad_1] The Austrian Ministry of Health reported a record number of new corona infections on Saturday, a day before new epidemiological restrictions took effect. According to the ministry, there have been 3,614 new cases of infection in the last 24 hours, a significant increase from 2,571 the day before. In …

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Index – Abroad – Can hardly be bought in Slovenia

[ad_1] In Slovenia, most stores closed on Saturday, part of the service industry and tourism stopped, while the previous peak in the number of new infections registered in a day fell again, MTI quotes the local press. In Slovenia, non-essential shops, restaurants and hotels, as well as beauty and hairdressing …

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At home: Hungarian hikers slipped and then held onto the roots so they wouldn’t fall off the mountain.

[ad_1] At home: Hungarian hikers slipped and then clung to their roots to keep from falling off the mountain | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c1565c9f-e8f7-4a1f-85ce-257e1dc84e4b”,”c_author”:”MTI /”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Az Európai Unió Tanácsa is jóváhagyta Magyarországnak a munkahelyvédelmi program …

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Leclerc competes in “another league” – F1VILÁG.HU

[ad_1] While Leclerc reached the final stage of the time trial and scored the fourth starting cube there, four-time world champion Vettel failed to beat himself in the top 10, and you can only wait for Sunday’s race from 15th position. Speaking to German Sky Sport, Vettel acknowledged his teammate …

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Index – Domestic – One in ten men drinks every day

[ad_1] One in ten men in Hungary drinks alcohol every day, according to the Portfolio of European Population Health Survey Results. According to the article, the proportion of heavy drinkers in the total population has decreased. Referring to the CSO, the document states, that we all know for a fact, …

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At home: Gyurcsány: we were poor as a church mouse

[ad_1] At home: Gyurcsány: we were poor as the mouse in the church Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”05b9680f-0b12-470c-be49-0bb425e86c0d”,”c_author”:”Dezső András”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Budapesten is elterjedt az 1920–1930-as években Európa-szerte népszerű kokain. Kokós Lexi kokainkirály pályafutásán át ezt a mozzanatot is feldolgozta …

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