Life + Style: Anikó Marsi and Andrea Osvárt became coronavirus

[ad_1] Life + Style: Anikó Marsi and Andrea Osvárt became coronavirus Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”32276ac5-f23a-4d88-a6b3-01e5b42f3452″,”c_author”:”Elek István”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Mit tegyen az ellenzék egy esetleges 2022-es győzelem esetén? Hogyan bontsa le a Nemzeti Együttműködés Rendszerét? Elek István kétrészes publicisztikájának …

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More excitement is coming in Dancing with the Stars!

[ad_1] TV2 viewers witnessed a truly moving show, but a couple had to say goodbye at the end. Couples in the competition took to the dance floor with a dazzling production! For the sake of their own health and that of others, Dancing with the Stars stars Andrea Osvárt and …

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Economy: we don’t want to drink alcohol before driving

[ad_1] Economy: We don’t want to drink alcohol before driving. Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”48a057d4-596c-40f4-8a64-84cfd8cca7c6″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A világon már 42 148 875 ember fertőződött meg a koronavírus-járványban, a halálos áldozatok száma 1 143 495, a meggyógyultaké pedig 28 …

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Clock change on Sunday at sunrise

[ad_1] Winter time begins on Sunday, when the clocks are set to two in the morning at three in the morning. The clock change also affects the schedules of various trains. The railway company announced that the train leaving from the west railway station to Szobra and Szolnok in the …

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Common mosquitoes have appeared in Antarctica

[ad_1] Common mosquitoes have appeared on King George Island, popular with Antarctic tourists, Alexander Klepikov, head of the Russian Arctic expedition, told the Interfax news agency. According to Klepikov, this is “due” to the human factor: on George Island, which has a temperate climate compared to regional conditions, where seven …

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