Tech: NASA has found something on the moon, they’re making a big announcement [frissítve]

[ad_1] Tech: NASA has found something on the moon, they’re making a big announcement [frissítve] | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”835bcaa8-987f-41ac-a588-f66c66160a4a”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Azt nem tudni, miért végezhettek a vállalkozóval.”,”shortLead”:”Azt nem tudni, miért végezhettek a vállalkozóval.”,”id”:”20201025_Bergyilkos_lotte_le_az_elso_orosz_Forma_1es_pilota_apjat”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”07541e6e-b899-4e9e-afc0-9730949d4bad”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201025_Bergyilkos_lotte_le_az_elso_orosz_Forma_1es_pilota_apjat”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 25. 12:33″,”title”:”Bérgyilkos …

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Index – National – Lőrinc Nacsa: Lajos Korózs is not worthy of leading the committee that discusses the report of the operational staff

[ad_1] Government parties consider socialist politician Lajos Korózs unworthy to lead a public welfare committee discussing the operational tribe report, a spokesman for the KDNP faction said on behalf of government parties in Budapest on Monday. At L prensarinc Nacsa’s press conference, he recalled that recently Lajos Korózs, president of …

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A cop handcuffed the frantic Holdampf Linda

[ad_1] A dog was traveling on his lap, he had no papers and he taunted a policeman mockingly, he told the story of the 15 years on the LifeTV program Breaking. A puppy was riding in the car on the lap of a stylist presenter when he was stopped by …

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Life + Style: a rat got on a passenger’s neck on bus 108

[ad_1] Life + Style: Rat got on a passenger’s neck on bus 108 | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6fa08f12-dfba-49f7-b863-9b9abd68bb48″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Európa hat országában kezdi el árulni a Vivo az X50 Pro készüléküket, amit a kontinensünkön X51 G néven …

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Merkel: Coronavirus is spreading at a dramatic rate in Germany

[ad_1] The new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) is spreading dramatically in Germany, and measures to stop the epidemic are insufficient, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a meeting of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Monday. , according to a report by Bild. MTI inspected. The politician stressed in …

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They voted for stricter quarantine rules

[ad_1] Parliament has toughened fines for violating quarantine rules. Parliament ruled on the proposal, which, among other things, increased the maximum amount of the fine that could be imposed for violating the quarantine rules from HUF 50,000 to HUF 150,000. The proposal was adopted by 117 votes in favor, 23 …

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