Index – National – Three missing minors in the Fejér region

[ad_1] The Székesfehérvár police are asking the population for help in finding three underage girls, all missing in Fejér county – read the police reports. Seventeen-year-old Anita Németh left her home in Székesfehérvár on October 11, 2020, in an unknown location, and nothing has been heard from her since. The …

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Water was found in the sunny part of the moon.

[ad_1] For the first time, water molecules have been discovered on a surface of the Moon that also deserves sunlight, NASA announced at an online press conference. The discovery was made with the space agency’s SOFIA Infrared Observatory Stratospheric Observatory, a special telescope that orbits a Boeing 747SP aircraft in …

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Tomb of Zsuzsa Cserháti –

[ad_1] Died 17 years ago Zsuzsa Cserháti, whose tomb has not been built until now. The singer’s family was struggling financially, it was difficult for them to raise the amount for the grave, so the sponsors helped them to finally do it, writes the Glance. “Laci Krasznai started organizing the …

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Technology: NASA has also made two major announcements about the Moon, one of which finally clears up an important issue

[ad_1] Technology: NASA has also made two major announcements about the Moon, one of which finally clears up an important issue Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”75ac9e26-0a6f-405c-85e8-7f5161a11636″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Gulyás Gergely korábban arról beszélt, hogy az antigén alapú gyorstesztek növelik …

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