The court issued an arrest warrant for Zoltán Kenesei

[ad_1] The Metropolitan Court issued an arrest warrant With Zoltán Kenesei in contrast, Blikk noted in the list of circles on The roundabout was issued by the prison team of the Metropolitan Court for bribery against the former midfielder. This could mean that the former footballer has not voluntarily …

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Technology: They found a planet like Earth near the Solar System.

[ad_1] Technology: an Earth-like planet found near the Solar System Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0b0e6958-4bf8-4b0c-8f6f-5ae8a8d3bdc4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A BBC meteorológusa szerint nem paranormális jelenségről van szó, a repülő hajó valójában csak egy optikai csalódás.”,”shortLead”:”A BBC meteorológusa szerint nem paranormális jelenségről …

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The Gyurcsány coronavirus traveled the country without a mask

[ad_1] As we previously reported in Origó, Ferenc Gyurcsány’s wife became coronavirus, DK’s own representative wrote about it in a Facebook post on Friday. However, before that, Gyurcsány visited several settlements in the midst of the third wave of the coronavirus epidemic and in the meantime consulted with several left-wing …

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Technology: Slavic: This virus is no longer the virus that appeared in Hungary last year

[ad_1] Technology: Slavic: this virus is no longer the virus that appeared in Hungary last year Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0fd7bbb4-06d4-470e-be42-ab4cd04bf5a1″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A legendás viadalt tavaly a koronavírus-járvány miatt szeptemberben, zárt kapuk mögött tartották meg.”,”shortLead”:”A legendás viadalt tavaly a …

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Tech: Here’s the latest mask theory, you might want to bet

[ad_1] Tech: here is the latest mask theory, you may want to bet Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7aefedb1-c68b-488b-b96d-5ec516f4b080″,”c_author”:”Fekő Ádám”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az operatív törzs csütörtöki sajtótájékoztatóján sikerült úgy beszélni, hogy semmi újdonság nem derült ki a pár órával korábbi bejelentéshez …

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