Index – Football – Champions League

[ad_1] Dominik Szoboszlai started again at Red Bull Salzburg, who were almost at a disadvantage at the home of Atlético de Madrid in the 14th minute, but Joao Félix’s great scissors hit the crossbar. Shortly after, Marcos Llorente took the lead with Diego Simeone’s lead, but could not keep the …

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World: Didn’t throw knife, police shot black man in Philadelphia

[ad_1] World: Didn’t throw knife, police shot black man in Philadelphia | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c01aa833-ed38-4f2b-9183-5d52a5d13d3e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A szigetország vezetése nagyon kiakadt az arab államra.”,”shortLead”:”A szigetország vezetése nagyon kiakadt az arab államra.”,”id”:”20201026_13_no_orvosi_vizsgalata_miatt_all_a_bal_Ausztralia_es_Katar_kozott”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”355e3956-668f-4e8d-a674-fb6f467c1890″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201026_13_no_orvosi_vizsgalata_miatt_all_a_bal_Ausztralia_es_Katar_kozott”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 26. 12:36″,”title”:”13 nő „orvosi …

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Merkel: by Christmas, German intensive care could also collapse

[ad_1] Across Germany, disease control rules need to be tightened due to the rapid increase in the number of people who have been confirmed to be infected with the new type of coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2), the Bavarian Prime Minister said on Tuesday, Markus Söder, in Munich. Also Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel …

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László Kövér: The world belongs to those who are born

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it “However, it is an indisputable truth that the world belongs to those who live,” said László Kövér, president of the Chamber, in his interview with during the inauguration of the statue of István Tisza …

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