Sniper defends János Áder

[ad_1] He is protected by one of the best snipers in Hungary. János Áder The President of the Republic and his family in the presidential guard of the Republican Police, Blikk wrote. In the article Like Roland said specialist has 15 years of experience, he can throw a ping pong …

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Pope Francis traveled to Iraq – 444

[ad_1] More 444 videos? I would like Pope Francis traveled to Iraq on Friday, making him the first Catholic archbishop to travel to the Middle East. The Catholic archbishop visited Iraq, which was inhabited mainly by Shiite Muslims, despite security and epidemiological concerns. Their years-planned path has so far been …

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Europe has also embarked on a world vaccine war

[ad_1] The Swedish-British pharmaceutical manufacturer reportedly shipped 250,000 doses of the vaccine to Australia from its plant near Rome, but was not licensed to do so. The European Commission backed the Italian government in its rejection, and Erik Mamer, a spokesman for the panel, said on Friday that they believed …

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Cult: Vidnyánszky’s actor will be the new director of the Győr National Theater

[ad_1] Cult: Vidnyánszky’s actor will be the new director of the Győr National Theater Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3be33871-85d4-42b7-a5a4-9a847e7f2176″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Szijjártó Péter szavai miatt kérnek tőle magyarázatot.”,”shortLead”:”Szijjártó Péter szavai miatt kérnek tőle magyarázatot.”,”id”:”20210304_szlovakia_magyar_nagykovet_szijjarto_peter”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ecbaf94a-2198-4f5b-bad6-ffe953018029″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210304_szlovakia_magyar_nagykovet_szijjarto_peter”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 04. 19:43″,”title”:”Szlovákia bekérette a pozsonyi …

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