Enterprise: MNB warns you to be careful with Revolut

[ad_1] Enterprise: MNB advises to be careful with Revolut hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”53f3972f-0670-46fa-a93d-9dcb4addb361″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Sztamen Grigorov születésének 142. és halálának 75. évfordulója alkalmából cserélte ma le logóját a Google.”,”shortLead”:”Sztamen Grigorov születésének 142. és halálának 75. évfordulója alkalmából …

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November pension increase: someone miscalculated

[ad_1] The OSC has interpreted the pension law differently from pension organizations since 2012. Based on the number of CSOs, the government will determine how much pensions should be raised retroactively in November if inflation is higher than planned. However, according to pension organizations, according to the law, the data …

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