Graduate medical students will also be sent for tests from now on.

[ad_1] There are increasing requests for sampling for the coronavirus, so another 200 sampling units will be installed across the country in a matter of days, the head of communications and public relations for the National Ambulance Service told public media on Wednesday. Pál Győrfi He highlighted that the number …

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BL: Ferencváros tied with this goal from Boli – video

[ad_1] Ad CHAMPIONS LEAGUEGROUP G, ROUND 2FERENC CITY – DYNAMO KIEV (Ukraine) 2–2 (0–2)Budapest, Groupama Arena, 6444 views. Directed by: Kruzliak (Slovak)FTC: Dibusz – Lovrencsics G. (Botka, 86.), Blazic, Kovacevic (Dvali, 86.), Heister – Haratin (Laidouni, 65.), Sigér D. (Mak, 73.), Somalia – Zubkov, Isael (Boli, 73.), Nguen. Coach: Serhiy …

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Economy: Hungary will be the managing director of the IMF

[ad_1] Economy: Hungary will be the managing director of the IMF Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2e1b354c-6f82-492f-9441-91187b403a05″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A ráncfelvarrás egy új szabadidő-autó hangulatú kivitelt is magával hozott. “,”shortLead”:”A ráncfelvarrás egy új szabadidő-autó hangulatú kivitelt is magával hozott. “,”id”:”20201028_felfrissult_a_remek_arertek_aranyu_fiat_tipo”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”06e9cf41-1d0f-4ae7-829c-7d076cec29a2″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20201028_felfrissult_a_remek_arertek_aranyu_fiat_tipo”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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At home: Foreign Affairs has bought so many fans that it is now trying to sell the leftover machines

[ad_1] At home: Foreign Affairs has bought so many fans that it now tries to sell unnecessary machines | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”1fcda308-8cff-4931-bff1-25b0a1768b3d”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A 12 éves Horváth Virág Zsüliettet és a 13 éves Racsek Tibor Rajmondot …

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World: France imposes exit restrictions

[ad_1] World: France imposes exit restrictions Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”51bfb071-26ec-48e5-bc07-a3c50d1613e7″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A bíró hétfőn le is tette a hivatali esküjét.”,”shortLead”:”A bíró hétfőn le is tette a hivatali esküjét.”,”id”:”20201027_Az_amerikai_szenatus_megszavazta_Amy_Coney_Barrett_alkotmanybiro_jeloltseget”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”7665c567-ef58-48aa-984d-aea3f99e1599″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201027_Az_amerikai_szenatus_megszavazta_Amy_Coney_Barrett_alkotmanybiro_jeloltseget”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 27. 05:14″,”title”:”Az amerikai szenátus megszavazta Amy Coney Barrett …

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