World: Another incident in France: a gunman is shot dead

[ad_1] World: Another incident in France: gunman shot dead Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”847aa873-61c5-4420-8764-5639e0dc9a87″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az aneszteziológus szerint egy orvosnak 500-szor ki kell próbálnia a folyamatot, mire megfelelően el tudja végezni.”,”shortLead”:”Az aneszteziológus szerint egy orvosnak 500-szor ki kell …

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Company: There is an area in Hungary where net salary below 600,000 is rare

[ad_1] Company: there is an area in Hungary where net payments below 600 thousand are rare Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b81df39b-ae8a-4f8a-bcf8-3cc1f4a5b4cc”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A kormány nem enged adót emelni és hitelt felvenni a fővárosnak, de „első körben” 60 milliárd …

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Index – National – In disagreement with Viktor Orbán, more people in Fidesz would tighten epidemiological regulations

[ad_1] Not only are the Hungarian Medical Chamber and virologists who previously advised the government urging stricter epidemiological measures, but several Fidesz-KDNP representatives are no longer satisfied with the protection against the coronavirus epidemic. Pro-government politicians interviewed by say it should toughen up, and if the prime minister still …

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Orban wrote a letter to Macron about the murder in Nice

[ad_1] Viktor Orban The prime minister expressed his condolences to the French nation on behalf of the Hungarian people for the delay in Nice on Thursday and wished the families of the victims great strength in a letter sent to President Emmanuel Macron – MTI reported Bertalan Havasi, Head of …

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