Good murder: Tunisia launches investigation

[ad_1] On Thursday, Tunisia strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the Notre-Dame Basilica in Nice that day and announced that it would launch an investigation on suspicion that the attacker was a Tunisian citizen. Several sources have reported that the murderer, who attacked the three people with a knife in …

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One in three tests in the Croatian capital is positive

[ad_1] In the Croatian capital Zagreb, one in three new coronavirus tests was positive, while the country’s previous peak in the number of new infections recorded in a single day fell again, according to a report from the crisis team on Thursday. The panel reports that the number of infected …

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World: The state of emergency in Spain has been extended until next spring

[ad_1] World: Emergency in Spain extended until next spring Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”afe96069-ac99-4081-98d8-207427a96a3f”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”És még erre is másfél hónapot kellett várnia.”,”shortLead”:”És még erre is másfél hónapot kellett várnia.”,”id”:”20201028_segely_nyugdij_nyugdijas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”3f402cab-fe93-4c7b-b8c5-3d22942764ac”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201028_segely_nyugdij_nyugdijas”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 28. 06:51″,”title”:”Egyszeri segélyt igényelt az államtól egy …

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World: Homeland also condemns the act of the Nice murderer, an investigation begins in Tunisia

[ad_1] World: Homeland condemns Nice murder, Tunis investigation begins Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”36f68626-4b50-4443-9a9a-d398142c7b67″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Hat termék értékesítését megtiltotta a JTI Hungary-nak a Fővárosi Kormányhivatal.”,”shortLead”:”Hat termék értékesítését megtiltotta a JTI Hungary-nak a Fővárosi Kormányhivatal.”,”id”:”20201029_Birsag_mentolos_cigaretta_JTI_Hungary”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”770a8a65-0841-4af9-af1b-fea5b0e095a8″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20201029_Birsag_mentolos_cigaretta_JTI_Hungary”,”timestamp”:”2020. október. 29. 15:17″,”title”:”150 milliós …

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In Zagreb, one in three new coronavirus tests was positive

[ad_1] In the Croatian capital, Zagreb, one in three new coronavirus tests was positive, while the country’s previous peak in the number of new infections recorded in a single day has been reversed, according to a report from the crisis team on Thursday, writes MTI. The panel reports that the …

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His former team Bölöni defeated Tottenham – nye again

[ad_1] At Leicester City, AEK Athens beat Sparta Prague in the second round of the 2020-2021 European League football season at AC Milan’s home field. To a great surprise, Tottenham suffered a defeat by one goal to the former team of László Bölöni. Leicester defeats AEK Athens on the road …

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Start: Newspaper Editors: FTC Illegally Bans Journalists At BL Matches

[ad_1] Top: Newspaper Editors: FTC Illegally Bans Journalists at BL Matches | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b298a74a-83b2-4e5e-a318-ebab326723ac”,”c_author”:”Joó Hajnalka”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Már nem csak az orvosi kamara és a kormánynak korábban tanácsot adó virológusok sürgetnek szigorúbb járványügyi intézkedéseket, de a …

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