Czech Republic: stable, Romania: negative

[ad_1] The credit rating agencies are working. Confirmed stable unchanged outlook for the Czech Republic is paramount AA less / A-1 more Sovereign rating from Standard & Poor’s. According to an analysis of the international credit rating presented in London on Friday night, the Czech economy will sink into a …

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Index – Culture – Circulate Mario, the YouTube star

[ad_1] wrote, referring to circulating data, that VIII. The district police issued an arrest warrant for a national YouTube star. Mario due to violence against a person performing a public function. Upon hearing the name, one would first think of Mary, who normally plays her tango accordion, but …

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Sport: Cristiano Ronaldo recovered from the coronavirus, he can also come to Budapest

[ad_1] Sport: Cristiano Ronaldo recovered from coronavirus can also come to Budapest Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”147a16b3-291d-4c00-9912-ce9b9037ac76″,”c_author”:”Farkas Zoltán”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A térség valutái közül a forint gyengült a leginkább, amin a jegybank százmilliárdokat keres, a többi devizatulajdonossal együtt. A devizaadósok viszont veszítenek – …

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