Index – Culture – Sean Connery Died

[ad_1] World-renowned Scottish actor Sean Connery, who died to death in the Bahamas, has died at the age of ninety, the BBC reported. Not many could say for themselves that they were considered sex symbols for more than sixty years, but in 1999, People magazine chose Connery, then 69, as …

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Cult: Sean Connery Dies |

[ad_1] Cult: Sean Connery Dies | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”147a16b3-291d-4c00-9912-ce9b9037ac76″,”c_author”:”Farkas Zoltán”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A térség valutái közül a forint gyengült a leginkább, amin a jegybank százmilliárdokat keres, a többi devizatulajdonossal együtt. A devizaadósok viszont veszítenek – köztük az állam is.”,”shortLead”:”A térség valutái közül …

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Tech: Xiaomi fired so Apple can only blink: here’s a new list of mobile device manufacturers

[ad_1] Tech: Xiaomi fired so Apple just blinks: here’s a recent list of top mobile device manufacturers | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”058089fb-3f82-4343-972f-cf500084aa99″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A koronavírus ellenére november másodikától ismét napilapként jelenik meg a Pesti Hírlap, méghozzá új …

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Index – Domestic – The tiger mosquito appeared in Pécs

[ad_1] In addition to other non-native mosquito species, the tiger mosquito also appeared at the Baranya county seat this year, the University of Pécs said. Photo: Kevin Frayer / Getty Images Hungary The institution drew attention to the fact that the establishment of non-native mosquito species represents a serious risk …

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The tiger mosquito also appeared in Pécs

[ad_1] In addition to other non-native mosquito species, the tiger mosquito also appeared in the headland of Baranya County this year. This was announced today by the National Virology Laboratory of the University of Pécs, headed by the János Szentágothai Research Center. The institution draws attention to the fact that …

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