In Slovakia, a Hungarian health worker was found to be coronavirus

[ad_1] Two hundred Hungarian health workers are helping with national tests during these lessons in Slovakia, where, in principle, it is planned to sample four million people over two weekends. writes that the interest is extremely high, there are hourly queues almost everywhere. At Archbishop’s New Town, the city …

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At home: we live in times of destruction of churches, according to Viktor Orbán

[ad_1] At home: we live in the church, destroying times according to Viktor Orbán Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d8186b3d-3819-4226-8e3a-1fb470d80cc0″,”c_author”:”Sztojcsev Iván”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Nemrég jött ki az ország a 2008-as válságból, most már itt az újabb krízis. De feldolgoztuk-e már …

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Sir Sean Connery |

[ad_1] He was ninety years old. It also won the most prestigious awards in the world of cinema, once with the Oscar statuette, twice with BAFTA and three times with the Golden Globe, in 2000 II. He was inaugurated as a knight by Queen Elizabeth. Born August 25, 1930, a …

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Economy: The Athletics World Cup stadium and its surroundings have become more expensive, now it costs more money than the Puskás Arena

[ad_1] Economy: The Athletics World Cup stadium and its surroundings have become more expensive, now it costs more money than the Puskás Arena | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c91c7c23-efba-4010-aa63-1792b779b3e1″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az 50 éves Pintér Gyula még másfél évvel …

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At home: operational tribe: government depends on individual defense

[ad_1] At home: operational tribe: government depends on individual defense Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”903ef7bc-202e-43d5-ba69-c103d62f6639″,”c_author”:”Dobszay János”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az egy az egy elleni küzdelemhez optimalizálja jelöltállítási stratégiáját a Fidesz és a vele szemben összefogott ellenzék is. A terep mindkét félnek új, buktatói csak …

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