World: An Orthodox priest was shot in Lyon

[ad_1] World: An Orthodox priest was shot in Lyon Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ac3d1044-7d4f-4f1a-bda5-44fd06eac04b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Az iCR több mint 1,6 millió lakossági és vállalati ügyfelet lát el energiával.”,”shortLead”:”Az iCR több mint 1,6 millió lakossági és vállalati ügyfelet lát …

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World: There will be a month-long shortage in Britain

[ad_1] World Cup: There will be a short month in Great Britain | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fbef059a-40c4-4ea6-96dc-89f73b508714″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”A neves németországi független szervezet több szempontot is vizsgáló értékelésében nyolc víruskergető ért el maximális pontszámot.”,”shortLead”:”A neves németországi független …

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The left coalition disintegrated in Eger

[ad_1] Two also left the Association for the City faction at the Ádám Mirkóczki Support Unit in Eger. Csaba Komlósi from the LMP and Zoltán Keresztes from the momentum justified the decision saying that the mayor made decisions in one person, without consultation. Adam Mirkóczki, who runs the city, said …

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F1: Few could do what Bottas-Hamilton does

[ad_1] Valtteri Bottas took pole position at Imola in the time trial of the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix, followed by teammates Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen. The Finn expects to bounce well, while the British and Dutch are confident that the race will not be boring, as they say it …

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The alleged Lyon shooter was arrested

[ad_1] “Currently, we do not rule out any assumptions, nor do we prefer them,” said Lyon’s attorney general, Nicolas Jacquet. The man presented corresponds to the personal description given by eyewitnesses, but did not have the weapon used to attack. Authorities are currently investigating his possible involvement in the assassination …

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World: Hardening is also taking place in Austria and Greece

[ad_1] World: austerity tightens in Austria and Greece Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”864fb9eb-6387-425d-8a19-22583fcfa4ce”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Gyál mellett vártak a rendőrök a drogot rejtegető férfira, de az egy kicsit meglepte őket, hogy taxival érkezett.”,”shortLead”:”Gyál mellett vártak a rendőrök a drogot …

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