NB II: Debrecen VSC – ETO FC Győr

[ad_1] In the 14th round of NB II football, roster leader Debrecen VSC hosted ETO FC Győr. Igor Bogdanovics took his place on the DVSC bench in the absence of Elemér Kondás. Loki dominated the entire match and deservedly got the three points at home (3-0). With their victory, Debrecen’s …

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The Újpest photographer also had us some unsolicited words:

[ad_1] Újpest, which was created in moderation due to many coronavirus infections, could not do a miracle, MTK certainly won the ninth round of NB I football in Megyeri út. This is how the head coaches evaluated after the meeting. According to Michael Boris, the reception in Újpest was strange …

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Sport: MTK eliminated Újpest

[ad_1] Sport: MTK knocks out Újpest hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d39430fe-ca17-47f7-b2f3-a765d6a93444″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Összesen már 709 ezer regisztrált fertőzöttet találtak az országban.rn”,”shortLead”:”Összesen már 709 ezer regisztrált fertőzöttet találtak az országban.rn”,”id”:”20201101_Az_olaszoknal_most_29_ezerrel_nott_a_fertozottek_szama”,”image”:”https://img3.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=d39430fe-ca17-47f7-b2f3-a765d6a93444&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”62fa866c-0f53-405f-9f3d-67ee02e96545″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201101_Az_olaszoknal_most_29_ezerrel_nott_a_fertozottek_szama”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 01. 18:58″,”title”:”Az olaszoknál most 29 ezerrel nőtt a …

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Will Hamilton retire at the end of the season?

[ad_1] Lewis Hamilton made interesting statements about the future in Emilia Romagna Nagydj’s winning streak. The six-time world champion has a definitive contract with Mercedes, although he currently has no guarantees that he will return to racing in Formula One. Mercedes Imol has become the leader in the number of …

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