World: UEFA is said to bring all World Cup matches to Russia

[ad_1] World Cup: UEFA is said to bring all European Football Cup matches to Russia | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b79e6bd1-15fa-4c86-a7b1-b9fefa1c6a5e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A megengedett sebesség majdnem négyszeresével ment valaki, aki a Hajdú-Bihar megyei rendőrség fényképére került.”,”shortLead”:”A megengedett sebesség …

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We can see two hundred movies for free in mid-November.

[ad_1] It will be held online from November 13 to 15 this year at the VIII. National Cartoon Festival, which will feature 200 burning movies. This year’s event will be followed on the National Cartoon Festival YouTube channel. KEDD Animation Studio organizes the event with the participation of almost a …

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Index – National – Eighteen students and 13 teachers contracted the coronavirus, Nyíregyháza practice school switches to distance education

[ad_1] Due to the illness of eighteen students and 13 teachers, the Eötvös József School of Primary Practice and Gymnasium of the University of Nyíregyháza will switch to digital work outside the classroom as of Tuesday, the director of the institution confirmed this Monday. István Komáromi said the measure, which …

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István Lerch stroke –

[ad_1] István Lerch After several strokes, he was able to return home this spring, after spending three years in a hospital and a rehab facility, and with the care of his wife Enikő, Blikk writes. István Lerch improves after 38 months of treatment (Photo: Vörös Szilárd / smagpix) “He can …

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Péter Kabát apologized –

[ad_1] As we wrote above, the soccer player, the host, caused a lot of outrage Peter coat The story told to Péter Hajdú about a real sexual abuse, which he has already related in his autobiography. “When I was playing football at Honvéd, at the end of the year banquet, …

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Sport: Rossi: Kleinheisler is back in the frame, Szoboszlai would return home to play on foot

[ad_1] Sport: Rossi: Kleinheisler is back in the box, Szoboszlai would return home to play on foot | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”62102027-936f-4f29-a865-c2631abce8b5″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Az Astropolis Kft. létrejöttével üzletvezetés és vagyonkezelés is lesz a Tisza Cipő Zrt. portfóliójában.”,”shortLead”:”Az …

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