Index – Foreigner – Blood is not unknown on the streets of Vienna

[ad_1] Self-proclaimed world saviors and secret societies are organizing, xenophobia and anti-Semitism are escalating, and the criminal police are faced with a seemingly insurmountable task: reach the killer as quickly as possible, using increasingly cruel methods to deal with. with their apparently random victims. It is as if the events …

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World: The first results of the US presidential elections arrive

[ad_1] World: First results of the US presidential elections arrive Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”129d3a2b-af17-4fa4-9b95-f993ab4627da”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Ha összejönne 18 pontja, fél évre biztosan elbúcsúzhat a jogosítványától.”,”shortLead”:”Ha összejönne 18 pontja, fél évre biztosan elbúcsúzhat a jogosítványától.”,”id”:”20201101_Ket_perc_alatt_szedett_ossze_11_buntetopontot_ez_az_autos”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”0b68e2e7-4427-49a2-a3e4-612db7590ff6″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20201101_Ket_perc_alatt_szedett_ossze_11_buntetopontot_ez_az_autos”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 01. 19:18″,”title”:”Két …

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New numbers! At this time, the number of infected and dead has increased. BorsOnline – Celebrity News – Gossip – Crime – Politics

[ad_1] Worldwide, 46,870,394 people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,206,181 deaths and 31,358,807 survivors at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Central European time, according to data from Tuesday morning. Worldwide, 46,870,394 people were infected with the coronavirus epidemic, with 1,206,181 deaths and 31,358,807 survivors at Johns Hopkins University …

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World: That’s what you know about the Vienna assassination so far

[ad_1] World: Know this so far about the Vienna murder Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”a7df9a54-04a9-4d4f-9b90-1332031317b8″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Váradi József a Nettavisennek adott interjút, amiben felelt az ellenük szóló bojkottra, a szakszervezeti kritikákra, és megmagyarázta, miért kérnek külön pénzt egyes …

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There are 3 innocent deaths in the attack.

[ad_1] There are three innocent deaths in the Vienna murder on Monday night, two men and one woman. The killer, who was shot by police, was a sympathizer of the Islamic State, the Austrian interior minister and the Viennese police chief said at a morning news conference. 15 were injured …

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The coronavirus is a terrorist in Nice

[ad_1] The perpetrator of three Islamic assassination attempts at the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice last week was diagnosed with a coronavirus, French television BFM reported Monday night. Citing police sources, the channel said that 21-year-old Brahim Isaav’s coronavirus test in Tunisia was positive on Monday, so tests will be carried …

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