Technology: the Brazilian virus mutation has also appeared in Austria and Romania

[ad_1] Technology: Brazilian virus mutation released in Austria and Romania Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”fe03f484-4a5b-452d-a441-d7a145a7648e”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Csak konkrét, igazolt céllal lehet az utcára lépni Temesváron. A román főváros is bezárul.”,”shortLead”:”Csak konkrét, igazolt céllal lehet az utcára lépni Temesváron. A …

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The most distant radio source known so far has been found.

[ad_1] Astronomers have discovered the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO VLT) and have studied in detail the most distant radio source known to date. The source is nothing more than a radio-sounding quasar, an extremely distant and bright formation that emits jets, or jets, that radiate …

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The number of vaccinated is close to three million

[ad_1] The number of people requesting the vaccine is growing steadily, approaching three million, the parliamentary secretary of state for the Prime Minister’s Office said on current channel M1 on Monday. Csaba Dömötör said that if we can ensure that chronic patients over 60 and under 60 are protected, it …

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Gábor Zacher: it’s scary that whole families are coming

[ad_1] Due to the latest mutations in the coronavirus, more and more people are being hospitalized, covid classes are filling up fast, and capacity is running low. It is terrifying that complete families are also arriving, father, mother and son are in another hospital – it results from the report …

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