World: Stop counting votes, Trump demands, even if he loses

[ad_1] World: Stop the vote count: Trump demands, even if he loses Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6f8ed13a-85ea-43f8-ae84-b4dd56686a6e”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”Fontos kérdéseket tisztázott az OTP Ingatlanpont.”,”shortLead”:”Fontos kérdéseket tisztázott az OTP Ingatlanpont.”,”id”:”20201105_otthonteremtesi_akcioterv_illetekmentesseg_5_szazalek_afa”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”3e501610-84c1-44cd-80e9-cf346dfb24fa”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/gazdasag/20201105_otthonteremtesi_akcioterv_illetekmentesseg_5_szazalek_afa”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 05. 14:33″,”title”:”Otthonteremtési akcióterv: Így vehető igénybe az illetékmentesség …

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Life + Style: SZFE: Student’s social support is withheld, one more room is closed

[ad_1] Life + Style: SZFE: Student welfare withheld, another room closed | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”549eb05e-da68-4fcc-8b3d-87d596f2571b”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”100 ezer antigénteszt beszerzését indítja el a főváros, ebből 50 ezret az önkormányzatoknak ad, hogy az oktatásban dolgozókat szűrhessék.”,”shortLead”:”100 ezer …

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The government seems to have had a new idea

[ad_1] There is great interest in supporting home renovation among families living in a single family home with at least one child. According to nearly three-quarters of those surveyed, they have the opportunity to tidy up their homes with the help of 50 percent help, according to recent research by …

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The government seems to have had a new idea

[ad_1] There is great interest in supporting home renovation among families living in a single family home with at least one child. According to nearly three-quarters of those surveyed, they have the opportunity to tidy up their homes with the help of 50 percent help, according to recent research by …

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