World: The number of coronavirus infections in Austria has increased significantly in one day

[ad_1] World: Austrian coronavirus infection rises dramatically in one day | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3063508e-4d86-428f-922d-2b96ee750e6f”,”c_author”:”Kovács Gábor”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Az állami cég szerint szabályosan, nyílt beszerzésen nyerte le a trieszti kereskedőház üzemeltetését a Heves Megyei Közgyűlés volt alelnöke, aki …

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2020 US presidential election: the situation is very tense, it will soon be possible to decide who will be president

[ad_1] The country’s 46th president will be elected in the United States on Tuesday. In the presidential election, voters will decide between current Republican President Donald Trump, 74, and Democratic challenger, 77, Joe Biden, 77. In addition to the presidential election, federal representatives, senators, members of the local legislature, and …

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