In an emergency, you can market an unlicensed vaccine in Hungary

[ad_1] Vaccines available or that will be available in the European Union must meet EU approval and quality standards, but there may be limited exceptions that allow member states to market temporarily unauthorized emergency products, a spokesman for the EU said on Friday. European Comission. . Stefan De Keersmaecker In …

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At home: the late actor Zoltán Gulyás, former representative of the local government of Kecskemét

[ad_1] At home: the late actor Zoltán Gulyás, former representative of the local government of DK Kecskemét | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”47387328-c8bd-4b47-9292-fac04bd241ed”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Kujtim Fejzulai több mint 900 eurós havi segítséget is kapott az osztrák államtól.”,”shortLead”:”Kujtim Fejzulai több …

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At home: the hospital apocalypse is projected with the figures announced by Orbán

[ad_1] At home: Hospital apocalypse projected by Orbán figures | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”454b38e2-1ffb-40a5-97ac-5b2bb6f4a085″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Arizonában Donald Trump közelebb került kihívójához, Georgiában viszont Biden zárkózott fel hozzá.”,”shortLead”:”Arizonában Donald Trump közelebb került kihívójához, Georgiában viszont Biden zárkózott fel hozzá.”,”id”:”20201105_amerikai_elnokvalasztas_joe_biden_donald_trump_csataterallamok_fejlemeny”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”fcd7f45a-ad4d-4fcf-8180-63b7c733d3bc”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201105_amerikai_elnokvalasztas_joe_biden_donald_trump_csataterallamok_fejlemeny”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Index – National – Mortality from coronavirus: there are victims who died between the ages of forty and fifty

[ad_1] Among the 103 coronavirus-infected deaths on Friday, younger-than-average victims also appeared. A 49-year-old man and a 52-year-old woman were not diagnosed with an underlying disease (“data being loaded”). Blessed statuses can be assumed based on job openings. A 43-year-old man was prescribed high blood pressure, thrombosis and bone marrow …

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