Technology: Slavic: Coronavirus complications can cause premature delivery or miscarriage in pregnant women

[ad_1] Tech: Slavic: Coronavirus complications can cause premature delivery or miscarriage in pregnant women | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7c75e434-7815-4f5e-bb38-2086466d0e16″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A CNN korábban azt írta, már ő is az elnököt győzködi, hogy ismerje el vereségét.”,”shortLead”:”A CNN korábban …

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Curfew restrictions: churches remain open

[ad_1] Masses can still be celebrated, but only according to official travel restrictions – read Monday’s statement from the Hungarian Catholic Episcopal Conference (MKPK) sent to the MTI. They expressed it this way: “In a state of emergency declared by the coronavirus, temples are especially important as places of spiritual …

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Coronavirus: Dutch data shows improvement

[ad_1] In the Netherlands, the number of newly identified coronavirus infections fell by 46 percent in one week, three weeks after tighter restrictive measures and closures, local press wrote on Monday, according to MTI. According to the Dutch Public Health Agency, 4,702 people were registered on Monday, almost half the …

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