The curfew has come into effect

[ad_1] At eight o’clock in the evening the curfew entered into force in Hungary, which means that until five o’clock in the morning only those who work, go to work or come home from work (the necessary certificate is available here), dogs are walked – this is possible within 500 …

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At home: most rural towns have made wearing a mask mandatory

[ad_1] At home: most rural cities have made wearing a mask mandatory Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3d7705fc-e6ae-447e-be6f-1e4da41f363c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Főleg az élelmiszerboltoknak kell a szokásosnál hamarabb bezárni.”,”shortLead”:”Főleg az élelmiszerboltoknak kell a szokásosnál hamarabb bezárni.”,”id”:”20201110_A_boltok_negyedet_erinti_a_19_oras_boltzar”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”1a48a640-a64b-428d-9892-793110640393″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/kkv/20201110_A_boltok_negyedet_erinti_a_19_oras_boltzar”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 10. 13:09″,”title”:”A boltok negyedét …

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Now steps can be taken to protect life.

[ad_1] According to the overwhelming majority, the country must also act during defense, Viktor Orbán said on TV2’s Facts newscast. Most people would be removed from work if primary schools and kindergartens were closed, the prime minister added. We want to cut taxes in the future and the goal is …

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