Index – Domestic – Night flights have a new schedule from Friday

[ad_1] The schedule for daytime flights will not change, but the Budapest Transportation Center (BKK) will introduce a new schedule for night flights from Friday, MTI announced. In its statement, BKK wrote that daytime public transport services will be launched with an unchanged schedule, regardless of curfew restrictions, so that …

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I was dirty mad at myself and the whole world

[ad_1] Marco Rossi, who tested positive for the corona virus, and the Hungarian soccer team held an unusual press conference on the eve of Thursday’s European Championship qualifying game. In Telki, they spoke to reporters about the importance of the game against Iceland without a video check-in. Here before the …

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At Home – A Smart Night Out For The Clueless – What If I Can’t Find A Parking Lot And I’m Still On The Street After 8PM?

[ad_1] At Home – A Smart Night For The Clueless – What If I Can’t Find A Parking Lot And I’m Still On The Street After 8PM? | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”27648cfd-d18d-4f33-9935-60cc0ff3cd63″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Negyvenezer forint bónuszt fizetnek …

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Economy: Szijjártó: Russian vaccine sample will arrive in a week and a half

[ad_1] Economy: stirrup: Russian vaccine sample arrives in a week and a half Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3dfb3813-dda0-4694-80c0-18e5afec01be”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kultura”,”description”:”Úgy tűnik, leginkább Miley Cyrus Party in the U.S.A. című dalára partizott Amerika.”,”shortLead”:”Úgy tűnik, leginkább Miley Cyrus Party in …

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Index – National – This is how the curfew began in Budapest

[ad_1] Index photojournalists were there in the busiest parts of Budapest on Wednesday night at 8 a.m., when a nationwide curfew went into effect. According to the decision of the Hungarian government, the restriction lasts until 5 in the morning. twenty Gallery: No Curfew Budapest November 11, 2020Photo: Gábor Czerkl …

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World: Trump: We will win

[ad_1] World: Trump: We will win Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”54d863e7-8ceb-4b40-a74e-f1519bffb80d”,”c_author”:”Vértessy Péter / Brüsszel”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A szigetországiak aggasztó hónapokat tudhatnak maguk mögött a járvány miatt amúgy sem egyszerű időket élő országban. A Brexit körül és után csupa bizonytalanság …

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