At home: Four opposition parties leave the House Committee due to a fat coalition

[ad_1] Start: Four opposition parties leave House Committee due to a fat coalition | Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”32dbb422-9920-4778-8b42-0169d8da84ca”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A moncsicsi-Jézus, az elfuserált Madonna és a felhúzott szemöldökű Szent György után már nem is csodálkozunk. rn”,”shortLead”:”A moncsicsi-Jézus, …

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Fit in the horror found in the nest of the giants

[ad_1] The Asian giant wasp (Vespa mandarinia) nest was first discovered in the United States: the nest that was hiding nearly 200 queens was removed and the researchers destroyed the insects, but they believe there may be additional nests in the area. The Asian giant wasp is an invasive species …

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