At home: PDSZ demands immediate closure of schools

[ad_1] At home: PDSZ demands immediate school closure Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”c2c313f6-0e97-4cea-83d6-7da4d9c1f585″,”c_author”:”Műértő”,”category”:”hvgmuerto”,”description”:”A Kamera nélkül című kiállítás Szabó Dezső alkotói pályája 2015 óta tartó korszakának extenzív, a teljesség igényével fellépő bemutatása. E korszak képeinek együttes, összefoglaló …

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PDSZ: Hungarian schools will be closed immediately!

[ad_1] The National Board of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) demands that Hungarian public educational institutions close immediately. In a statement sent to the MTI on Friday evening, the PDSZ writes: Schools in Austria will close from Tuesday to December 8 due to the epidemic. They pointed out that …

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The Democratic Union of Teachers demands the closure of schools

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it Hungarian public education institutions should shut down immediately, the National Board of the Democratic Union of Teachers demands in its announcement. According to the advocacy group, schools will be closed from Tuesday to December 8 …

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