2020 US Presidential Election: The Bottom Line

[ad_1] German-American friendship is a common treasure that needs to be further nurtured, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a press release on the occasion of the US presidential election in Berlin on Monday. He stressed that by decision of the electorate, the next president of the United States will …

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Life + Style: Delhusa Gjon cried herself, after 23 days she was officially declared cured

[ad_1] Life + Style: Delhusa Gjon Wept, Officially Declared Cured After 23 Days | hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”cc2c34ea-c00c-4527-933a-3a18dcc44b57″,”c_author”:”HVG”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Tombor András hozta létre négy évvel ezelőtt az Atmedia reklámügynökség megvásárlására, de most ő az, aki elhagyja a …

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Economy: the government extends the validity of expired documents again

[ad_1] Economy: the government again extends expired documents hvg.hu Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d0b4cc7d-14d1-4e35-a798-29f3a96342c1″,”c_author”:”BI”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Rengeteg munkát ad a pedagógusoknak és az általános iskolába járó gyerekek szüleinek az online oktatás, a diákok harmada nem talált pozitívumot a tavaszi karanténidőszak …

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Once again, the government caused chaos with free parking

[ad_1] Free parking is a serious problem not only for local governments, but also for motorists looking for a place close to their place of residence, writes 24.hu. At the time of the first wave of the epidemic, parking had already been done without charge before the government’s action, but …

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