Economy: Shopping centers were moved to Vienna before they closed due to the epidemic.

[ad_1] Economy: Plates in Vienna rushed before shopping malls closed due to epidemic | Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”abf8356e-1bad-4adc-ad49-268bae6f5759″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”tudomany”,”description”:”Az emberi faj közeli rokonának kétmillió éves koponyáját tárták fel Dél-Afrikában, a különleges lelet új információkkal szolgál az …

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Car: Collided with Audi and was hit by a pedestrian by an ambulance on Vienna Road

[ad_1] Car: collided with Audi and then hit a pedestrian in an ambulance on Vienna Road Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”9c6d368c-622d-403a-a24c-a8c17cbc2cc0″,”c_author”:”Hamvay Péter”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”A költészetétől eltekintve mindenben korszerűtlen volt, mintha egy Krúdy-regényből lépett volna ki. Tisztelte az ellenfeleit, szóba …

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András Sváby was also quarantined

[ad_1] His wife contracted the coronavirus. Kovid also came to us. Andi’s test is positive, the symptoms have unfortunately started: her cartilage hurts, a little fever, thank you very much – start your Facebook post Sváby Andrew, in which the ATV presenter informed his followers that his wife had also …

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Paseo got pole in Turkey!

[ad_1] The Turkish Grand Prix time trial promised to be tremendously exciting, as the drivers had to fight hard during the two free practice sessions on Friday, as the track was very slippery, and on Saturday he even dropped a shovel: the rain had come . At the start of …

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Dead man on the floor of a lavatory in a Neapolitan hospital, increasingly dramatic conditions not only in Belgian and French hospitals but also in Italian hospitals

[ad_1] Italy According to the Hungarian Nation report, many hospitals in Italy have the same conditions as in the spring, that is: corpses lying on the ground, crowded hospitals, deathly tired doctors and nurses. This time, however, the situation is not the worst, not in the north of the country, …

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