World: Merkel’s party performed worse than expected in German provincial elections

[ad_1] World: Merkel’s party performs worse than expected in German provincial elections Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”66d2391f-764c-4765-bf61-0818e10fe1fb”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Ellenzéki tüntetők vettek körül örmény kormányépületeket a kormányfő lemondását követelve”,”shortLead”:”Ellenzéki tüntetők vettek körül örmény kormányépületeket a kormányfő lemondását követelve”,”id”:”20210313_Az_ormeny_miniszterelnok_lemondasat_kovetelik_az_elvesztett_karabahi_teruletek_miatt”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”68473a09-9cb6-4e11-8f52-9776dd0de75f”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20210313_Az_ormeny_miniszterelnok_lemondasat_kovetelik_az_elvesztett_karabahi_teruletek_miatt”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 13. …

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Technology: AstraZeneca: There is no scientific evidence that vaccination causes blood clots

[ad_1] Technology: AstraZeneca: There is no scientific evidence that vaccination causes blood clots Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b70eec95-041c-4ebf-ae75-bacabd0d5a15″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”Az elbocsátások 500 millió eurójába kerülnek a cégnek.”,”shortLead”:”Az elbocsátások 500 millió eurójába kerülnek a cégnek.”,”id”:”20210314_Otezer_embert_kuldhet_el_a_Volkswagen”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”d6c972a7-6f40-4ec3-a090-8a8b57954aa4″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20210314_Otezer_embert_kuldhet_el_a_Volkswagen”,”timestamp”:”2021. március. 14. 17:26″,”title”:”Ötezer embert küldhet …

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data shows we are not at Red Bull level

[ad_1] The stars faced various problems in Bahrain during the first two days, Lewis hamilton Y Valtteri Bottas He also lost valuable time on the track by reporting that the rear of the car was not stable enough. In vain they closed the last day without problems, but they have …

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Index – Domestic – Marcell Murányi dies

[ad_1] Marcell Murányi fell ill while riding his bike on Saturday and his heart stopped with a tragic suddenness, Media1 learned. The portal knows that Murányi was tried to revive or that he fought for his life for a long time in a hospital, but the journalist died. Our information …

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