Competitors take to the track with a great show.

[ad_1] Amazing productions, poignant reviews – Dancing with the Stars’ sixth live show had a lot of excitement! The show has started! Dancing with the Stars contestants Opitz Barbi, Ádám Szabó and Csaba Vastag opened the sixth live show! The Dancing with the Stars jury came to the halves with …

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Cult: 100 intact sarcophagi found in the Sakkarai necropolis

[ad_1] Cult: 100 intact sarcophagi found in the Sakkar necropolis Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f710a9ea-462a-4efe-a87b-ac7b1855ead4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”kkv”,”description”:”Szabadkígyós polgármestere a sajtóból tudta meg, hogy a felújítás után viheti az állami Ménesbirtok a kastélyt. Balogh József levelet írt a békési …

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The Puskás Arena became the favorite venue for NER events

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it The NER’s favorite venue was the Puskás Arena, fifty games have been held here in the last year, according to documents from the National Sports Centers (NSK) that operate the stadium, which were obtained by …

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The late János Gróz –

[ad_1] Saturday’s duel report on the website of the Hungarian Handball Association highlighted that János Gróz has been the decisive coach of the field since the start of Hungarian beach handball, leading the women’s youth team since 2008. He and his teams achieved unmatched results in Hungarian beach handball: in …

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