Index – National – As if you did not trust the local Fidesz, the Orbán government is planting its own people in the Balaton Development Council

[ad_1] With a proposal to amend the law, the Orbán government would take the waterfront developments into good hands, Népszava writes. Under the proposal, cabinet representatives on the Balaton Development Council would be in majority against local Fidesz delegates. The amendment would place a co-chair on the board with the …

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Luxury villa grew up in Budapest –

[ad_1] According to a press release, the Budapest II. A businessman of Arab descent built a property much larger than allowed in the district building regulations in Rózsadomb. The construction of the villa of Roseer Hamdan, a Jordanian businessman in Rose Hill, which lasted for years, has been completed for …

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At home: Coronavirus: 6,495 new infections found, 93 patients died

[ad_1] At home: Coronavirus: 6,495 new infections found, 93 patients died Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”26c8abc9-3625-4d0d-881c-b527ed58633b”,”c_author”:”Bedő Iván”,”category”:”360″,”description”:”Utólag szerencsejátéknak tűnt az NDK-s lakásépítési hitel is. Eljött a paradicsom című sorozatunk következő darabja.”,”shortLead”:”Utólag szerencsejátéknak tűnt az NDK-s lakásépítési …

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