At home: Béla Merkely is coronavirus, she also has symptoms

[ad_1] At home: Béla Merkely is coronavirus, she also has symptoms Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”576e4b2a-30fc-4dce-9179-f6d56a7ed6f7″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”cegauto”,”description”:”A polgármester szerint így kulturált körülmények között közlekedhetnek a mezőgazdasági gépek.”,”shortLead”:”A polgármester szerint így kulturált körülmények között közlekedhetnek a mezőgazdasági gépek.”,”id”:”20201119_gadoros_utatadas_foldut”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b4eaaa94-d2a5-4402-a753-eb80bbc3b33d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/cegauto/20201119_gadoros_utatadas_foldut”,”timestamp”:”2020. …

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Coronavirus Merkely Béla

[ad_1] In the last few days, several members of my family have been infected with the new type of coronavirus and unfortunately my PCR test was positive earlier this week and I have had symptoms since yesterday He wrote on his Facebook page Thursday night. Dr. Merkely Béla. The rector …

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Béla Merkely is also coronavirus – 444

[ad_1] Subscribe to the epidemic newsletter We send you what you need to know about the epidemic every day of the week. Sign up and take care of each other! “In the last few days, several members of my family have been infected with the new type of coronavirus and, …

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