The coronavirus does not spare the KDNP either

[ad_1] Representative Aradsky was hospitalized and Minister Süli was quarantined. The KDNP announced in a statement that it was a member of their group, Andras Aradszki, the notary of the National Assembly became infected with the coronavirus and therefore needed hospital care. The Christian Democratic People’s Party wished him a …

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Economy: Hungarian-Polish veto reached a quarter-hour debate at the EU summit

[ad_1] Economy: The Hungarian-Polish veto at the EU summit reaches a debate of a quarter of an hour | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”02ba0565-03cd-42ac-a2b7-d0bcf3c88bd4″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”A Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium 35 milliárd forintot kap a Gazdaságvédelmi Alapból a Határon …

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The original profession of Rúzsa Magdi –

[ad_1] Magdi lipstick She is one of the best female performers in the country, but perhaps few know what her original profession is. It is no coincidence that the singer loves children, as she helped hundreds of children to be born as a teenager. His original profession is midwifery. At …

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Hungarians spend a horrible amount on coffee in capsules

[ad_1] According to Nielesen data, Hungarians spend about 13.4 billion guilders a year on coffee in capsules, according to Costa Coffee, which published the market researcher, the share of coffee in capsules in coffee retail sales was already 23 percent. cent last year, writes MTI. According to the data, in …

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Car: Christmas gave me some ideas to solve the parking chaos

[ad_1] Car: Christmas gave some ideas to solve the parking chaos Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”ebd98241-4e7c-43ba-8c2d-74c85c00dd05″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A szakdolgozók a többletmunka és a veszélyeztetettség miatt járó plusz juttatást nem kapták meg a lap szerint.”,”shortLead”:”A szakdolgozók a többletmunka és …

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