Index – National – Tick invasion again this year

[ad_1] As it was not a prolonged cold this year, most of the ticks survived the winter, so a new tick invasion is expected this summer, Gábor Földvári, principal investigator at the Center for Ecological Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, cited again. . The common tick attacks the …

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Something important turned out to be the accession to the EU

[ad_1] The enlargement of the European Union eastward, which began in 2004, has significantly shaped the region’s chances of catching up over the last decade and a half. The effects of this are examined in a two-volume collection of studies. Editors Michael Landesmann and Székely P. István Does EU membership …

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At home: Emmi replied: because of their profession, they do not vaccinate the shepherds before

[ad_1] At home: Emmi replied: by profession, shepherds do not get vaccinated before | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”769b4337-eb37-47c2-b7ad-49c917306a6c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”A barcelonai épület már a többedik „áldozata” volt a brit mászófenoménnak, és még csak nem is a legmagasabb.”,”shortLead”:”A barcelonai …

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At home: only public media can take photos at vaccination points

[ad_1] At home: only public media can take photos at vaccination points Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I’m not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”6ca0f4e2-1175-4cec-b688-3173ecf41075″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az 53 éves férfi elismerte tettét a kihallgatáson.”,”shortLead”:”Az 53 éves férfi elismerte tettét a kihallgatáson.”,”id”:”20210404_Drot_csapda_vadnyul_Kisujszallas”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”fddabcfc-89b9-4137-bebf-71a93e5bc4b2″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20210404_Drot_csapda_vadnyul_Kisujszallas”,”timestamp”:”2021. április. 04. 18:09″,”title”:”Vadnyulakra vadászott egy kisújszállási …

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NB I: My players took ten exams – Szabics

[ad_1] On Sunday’s matchday 27 NB I football match, Kisvárda played a goalless draw in the home field with Mol Fehérvár FC, who were 55 minutes behind Attila Fiola, on whose small bench Imre Szabics made his debut. in this match. This is how the head coaches evaluated after the …

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A fire broke out in the Covid ward of Hatvan Hospital

[ad_1] Easter Sale in Portfolio! As part of our new promotion, annual SIGNATURE subscriptions purchased between March 31 and April 9 can now be purchased at a 40% discount for HUF 18,000. This gives you access to the latest news, key analysis, and exclusive content at a much better price. …

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