The Christmas deputy didn’t go all alone

[ad_1] Many were surprised by the resignation of David Doros, but the deputy mayor had been without air in the city hall for a while. Chose an unusual way to quit David doros Deputy mayor. Thursday night he posted on his Facebook page one Christmas to Gergely letter addressed, to …

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At home: the mayor of Fidesz spoke, who scolded the coronaviruses

[ad_1] At home: the mayor of Fidesz spoke, scolding the coronavirus Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”4b4f2a27-74f5-4205-bf71-7fd5b5b7199a”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”A paksi atomerőmű bővítéséért felelős kormánytag kontaktszeméllyé vált.rn”,”shortLead”:”A paksi atomerőmű bővítéséért felelős kormánytag kontaktszeméllyé vált.rn”,”id”:”20201120_Karanten_Suli_Janos”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”33be6262-3f5f-46ff-a94a-24b17e292e7d”,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201120_Karanten_Suli_Janos”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 20. 06:43″,”title”:”Karanténba került Süli János …

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Three young people also died of coronavirus in Hungary

[ad_1] Three men were arrested by police on suspicion of multi-million dollar fraud, Lt. Col. Robert Kiss, deputy head of the Corps virus corps call center, said at an online news conference on Friday. The residents of Tamás and Veszprém have been offering masks, rubber gloves and personal protective equipment …

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