At home: It turned out why Sándor Pintér spoke of 2,000 new infections more than the official

[ad_1] At home: It turned out why Sándor Pintér spoke of two thousand new infections more than the official one | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”7fed0258-2a96-410f-8487-165baa316eae”,”c_author”:”Lengyel Miklós”,”category”:”gazdasag”,”description”:”András hercegnek, II. Erzsébet királynő kedvenc fiának újabb botrányos ügye …

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Economy: Popular Party: We hope to convince the Hungarian government

[ad_1] Economy: People’s Party: We hope to convince the Hungarian government Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”3daf70f9-f58c-42ee-97ca-d04ea838633e”,”c_author”:”Gyarmathy Éva”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Az egészségügy elmaradottsága azonnal szedi az áldozatokat, és a járvány ezt most hatványozza, kikiáltatja, nyilvánossá teszi, hogy „meztelen a király”. …

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Technology: threat to life, one of the most famous radio telescopes in the world closed after 57 years

[ad_1] Tech: Threatening to life, one of the most famous radio telescopes in the world closed after 57 years | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”942e491e-bf71-48a9-bdd1-9708695df540″,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Az operatív törzs sajtótájékoztatóján ismertették, hogyan vezénylik majd a teszteket végző diákokat, …

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Zoltán Kovács called on Vera Jourova to resign

[ad_1] Vera Jourova, vice president of the European Commission (EC) of Values ​​and Transparency, asked Zoltán Kovács, Secretary of State for Communication and International Relations, to resign on Friday. The secretary of state responded to Jourova’s post on Twitter, in which the committee’s vice chairman wrote, among other things, that …

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Easier backup to PC, phone that works even when downloaded

[ad_1] This year OnePlus launched an initiative called IDEAS (Ideas), which is very simple: users can tell the manufacturer different ideas, and if these are good and feasible, sooner or later OnePlus will integrate them into OxygenOS. that is, it dragged it to its own interface on Android. Since the …

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Economy: Bahart CEO leaves

[ad_1] Economy: Bahart CEO leaves Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”37c542d4-ceea-457d-b79a-0fb037d6de36″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Szombaton a fagyzugos részeken akár -9 fok is lehet.”,”shortLead”:”Szombaton a fagyzugos részeken akár -9 fok is lehet.”,”id”:”20201119_hideg_havazas_elorejelzes_hetvege”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”ea7017e2-5039-4c12-a3ad-efd6b1088ae8″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/itthon/20201119_hideg_havazas_elorejelzes_hetvege”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 19. 19:18″,”title”:”Jönnek a mínuszok a hétvégén, havazásra is számítani …

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