Győr won a historic match in BL women’s handball

[ad_1] Győr’s Audi ETO KC did not host Team Buducnost Podgorica in Group B of the Champions League (BL) in the most ideal conditions. Győr’s team awaited the match as the only undefeated team from the top of the table, however, they could only appear in the group match with …

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Trump’s maneuver begins with a suicide attempt

[ad_1] The outgoing President of the United States, Donald Trump, and Republican politicians who do not dispute this claim, which is otherwise not supported by any evidence, that his opponent, Joe Biden, fraudulently won against him in the presidential election, have long-term plans. The problem is that they are shaping …

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At home: Anikó Lévai baked, her husband distributed it

[ad_1] At home: Anikó Lévai baked, her husband gave it to her Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b44898c8-16c3-473e-a4a0-668dcf819172″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Közel 25 ezer új fertőzöttet regisztráltak egy nap alatt az országban.”,”shortLead”:”Közel 25 ezer új fertőzöttet regisztráltak egy nap alatt az …

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Female hand: Yvette Broch returns to the handball court

[ad_1] Yvette Broch from the Netherlands, the former excellent player of the Audi ETO KC women’s team in Győr, has returned to the handball court, writes MTI. Yvette Broch (Photo: Attila Török, 2018) Ad Speaking to the Dutch public media, Yvette Broch said that she had returned to her old …

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