At home: George Clooney didn’t say much about Viktor Orbán

[ad_1] At home: George Clooney did not say much about Viktor Orbán Would you like to be immediately informed about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”f107c8ce-60ba-4450-8fdd-70663772831d”,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”Irinej pátriárka állapota egészen szerdáig stabil volt.”,”shortLead”:”Irinej pátriárka állapota egészen szerdáig stabil volt.”,”id”:”20201120_Belehalt_a_koronavirusfertozesbe_a_szerb_ortodox_egyhaz_feje”,”image”:””,”index”:0,”item”:”b9363704-f56c-48fb-80b7-684614bd3bd0″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/vilag/20201120_Belehalt_a_koronavirusfertozesbe_a_szerb_ortodox_egyhaz_feje”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 20. 10:27″,”title”:”Belehalt a koronavírus-fertőzésbe a szerb …

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PL: Tottenham – Manchester City – NSO

[ad_1] Tottenham defeated Manchester City 2-0 with a disciplined defense and relentless counterattack in Saturday’s game of matchday 9 of the English Premier League. Giovani Lo Celso’s goal seals the fate of Manchester City (Photo: AFP) Ad ANGOL PREMIER LEAGUEROUND 9TOTTENHAM – MANCHESTER CITY 2–0 (1–0)London, Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, behind …

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Dobrev would pierce Orban’s veto with a petition

[ad_1] Has launched an online petition Dobrev Klára, MEP of the Democratic Coalition, in which he demands By Viktor Orbán and the Hungarian government to adopt the European Union’s crisis management package instead of vetoing it. In the Facebook video, the MEP recalls that, according to a survey, Hungarians suffered …

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Holender missed an 11 and then scored a winning goal – VIDEO

[ad_1] Among the Hungarian national legionnaires, Ádám Nagy and Filip Holender also participated in a 1-0 win at their club on Saturday afternoon, the latter playing a prominent role. Holender Filip decides in favor of Partizan (Photo: Partizan Beograd / Instagram) Ad The 14-time Hungarian team Filip the dutch In …

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Novak Djokovic missed the ATP World Cup final

[ad_1] World leader Novak Djokovic was three sets behind Dominic Thiem in the ATP World Cup semifinals on Saturday afternoon, thus missing the tournament final. 17-time Grand Slam champion Novak Djokovic played 2020 US Open winner Dominic Thiem in the ATP World Cup semi-final. In the first set, the Austrian …

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Ferencváros defeated Budapest Honvéd away from home

[ad_1] On the big day of the eleventh day of NB I football, Ferencváros defeated Budapest Honvéd 1-0 away from home, thus confirming their first place in the table. Ad FOOTBALL NB IROUND 11Budapest Honvéd – Ferencváros 0–1 (Mugger 27.)Budapest, New Hidegkuti Nándor Stadium, behind closed doors. Directed by: Alone …

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