A moving gift: this is how Marit Törőcsik, 85, was received

[ad_1] Together he celebrated his 85th birthday Törőcsik with Mari the National Theater. The executive director of the theater, Attila Vidnyánszky and the actors also fulfilled the artist’s wish last year, in the situation of the epidemic, that she would ask for nothing more than her precious Nation would return …

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Naked, Tyson showed that he had lost 45 pounds.

[ad_1] It will take place early Sunday morning at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Mike tyson Y Roy Jones Jr. boxing match, which everyone is expecting with a bit of hype. Tyson, 54, made a statement to Good Morning America on Monday, simply talking about being in such shape …

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World: Armenia cedes 121 municipalities to Azerbaijan

[ad_1] World: Armenia cedes 121 municipalities to Azerbaijan hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”d3973bd3-28a8-4da2-b13f-f72453dab386″,”c_author”:”hvg.hu”,”category”:”elet”,”description”:”Patrick Quinn 37 éves volt. 2013-ban diagnosztizálták nála az ALS-t.”,”shortLead”:”Patrick Quinn 37 éves volt. 2013-ban diagnosztizálták nála az ALS-t.”,”id”:”20201123_Meghalt_a_jeges_vodros_kihivas_egyik_kozponti_figuraja”,”image”:”https://img3.hvg.hu/image.aspx?id=d3973bd3-28a8-4da2-b13f-f72453dab386&view=ffdb5e3a-e632-4abc-b367-3d9b3bb5573b”,”index”:0,”item”:”9a4309ab-e9ca-4082-a0af-f5417af536c3″,”keywords”:null,”link”:”/elet/20201123_Meghalt_a_jeges_vodros_kihivas_egyik_kozponti_figuraja”,”timestamp”:”2020. november. 23. 07:38″,”title”:”Meghalt a jeges …

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Tamás Horváth’s dance partner is very disappointed

[ad_1] Tamás Horváth announced on Saturday night that she would not be dancing on TV2’s late night show. His dance partner, Viktória Sipos, only found out that day that she was waiting in vain for a new sequel to the singer. Tamás Horváth suffered an accident on Wednesday, was taken …

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Economy: Arrest Soros before the Court of Justice of the European Communities

[ad_1] Economy: Arrest Soros before the Court of Justice of the European Communities hvg.hu Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”84534303-b012-4bf9-a87f-ce44ac64d6a2″,”c_author”:”HVG Könyvek”,”category”:”hvgkonyvek”,”description”:”Karácsony felé közeledve különösen aktuális a kérdés: honnan tudhatjuk, hogy valóban jutányos áron vásárolunk, vagy épp ravasz marketinggel …

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