At home: in August, Fidesz’s support set a record

[ad_1] At home: Fidesz support set a record in August Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”b5096b96-cc0d-4e92-b382-a973068fd397″,”c_author”:”MTI”,”category”:”vilag”,”description”:”A bagdadi repülőtéren kapták el Abu Nabaa-t, a férfi korábban az al-Kaida tagja is volt.”,”shortLead”:”A bagdadi repülőtéren kapták el Abu Nabaa-t, a …

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At home: in an emergency, Sándor Pintér is the lord of hospitals

[ad_1] At home: in an emergency Sándor Pintér is the lord of the hospitals Do you want to be informed immediately about the most important news? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”0c397409-304a-4484-8162-82f107af2aaf”,”c_author”:”Serdült Viktória”,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Mindkét oldalra játszana a kormány a börtönkártérítések kifizetéséről rendelkező javaslataival: az embertelen fogvatartás körülményei miatt megítélt összeget …

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Index – Sport – Deceased Diego Maradona

[ad_1] Diego Armando Maradona died on Wednesday at the age of 60, according to Clarín. His death was caused by a respiratory arrest. A week after his 60th birthday, the Argentine icon was successfully operated on for cerebral edema and then returned home. In his latest photos, Maradona looked 80 …

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Fidesz support is steadily declining

[ad_1] In August, Fidesz achieved the highest support rate in the legislature, at 36 percent of the total population. Since then, he has lost a little of his camp each month, 1 percentage point between October and November, according to a survey sent to the 24 ZRI Závecz Research Institute. …

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evaluate the performance of Ferencváros and Juventus players

[ad_1] As is known, Ferencváros was close to bravery, but in vain led by Myrto Uzuni’s goal at Juventus’ home, the Italian team drew with Cristiano Ronaldo’s goal, and then, with a 92-minute substitution for Álvaro Morata, also won. After the game, our readers were able to rate the performance …

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Viktor Orbán: “What you ask of me, Angela, is suicide”

[ad_1] Black Friday in Portfolio! As part of the promotion, SIGNATURE annual subscriptions purchased between November 23-27 can now be purchased at a 40% discount for HUF 1.7907. This also supports the production of quality inexpensive content. Know more The strongest sentence Last Monday, the day of the announcement of …

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