At home: Népszava: The ventilators in the intensive care unit of the Zalaegerszeg hospital have failed several times

[ad_1] In Hungary: Népszava: The ventilators in the intensive care unit of the Zalaegerszeg hospital have failed several times | Do you want to be informed of the most important news immediately? I am not asking Please [{“available”:true,”c_guid”:”2d94fed7-e3f5-4cd0-a93c-9e95cc1d345c”,”c_author”:””,”category”:”itthon”,”description”:”Most nem szigorít, de jövő héten felülvizsgálja a járványügyi intézkedéseket a kormány. …

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Donald Trump made an unexpected statement

[ad_1] There was massive fraud in the election, but if the Election Board chooses Democratic candidate Joe Biden, he will hand over the White House, US President Donald Trump said in a video conference Thursday night saluting US soldiers on the Day. Thanksgiving. After the teleconference, journalists were also able …

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Népszava: Fans at Zalaegerszeg hospital have failed several times

[ad_1] Ventilators at St. Raphael Hospital in Zala County have failed multiple times. Népszava has been informed of this by various sources. The newspaper contacted the St. Rafael Zala Hospital in Zala County, but the institution only responded that, according to current procedure, the operating tribe would provide information on …

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According to SZFE students, they cannot invalidate their semester with the new government decree because none of the reasons listed there exist in the institution.

[ad_1] The secret history of the 2018 elections in 84 color pages. I’ll buy it SZFE students reacted to a government decree issued Wednesday that would allow the maintainer to immediately invalidate the semester, even if an action is filed against the decision, which would normally have suspensive effect. According …

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